Tresta Payne


resta Payne writes from the beauty of the Pacific Northwest and is inspired by the fog and fir trees. She has spent the last 22 years home-

resta Payne writes from the beauty of the Pacific Northwest

schooling and recovering her own education and love for words, using teaching and tutoring with Classical Conversations as an excuse to load her house with books.

These days she writes less about raising children and more about the beauty in a hard life, the comfort of truth, and the goodness of a God who made dogs and peonies. 

and is inspired by the fog and fir trees. She has spent the last 22 years homeschooling and recovering her own education and love for words, using teaching and tutoring with Classical Conversations as an excuse to load her house with books. These days she writes less about raising children and more about the beauty in a hard life, the comfort of truth, and the goodness of a God who made dogs and peonies. 

Where you can find Tresta


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